Culinary delights in the Kaunertal

This is how it tastes in the Tyrolean holiday region

Embark on a culinary journey of discovery in Tyrol's Kaunertal!

The selection ranges from typical Tyrolean delicacies and traditional Austrian dishes to culinary influences from all over the world.

Come check out the culinary events in the nature park and glacier region such as the Almherbst. 

Kaunertal: the taste of Tyrol

Bacon dumplings, cheese croquettes, bacon & onion fried potatoes, cheesy noodles, and Tyrolean ravioli... On your holiday in the Kaunertal you should try at least one of these Tyrolean delicacies. Other suggestions are the Marend, a cheese & charcuterie plate serve as an afternoon pick-me-up. You can also look forward to cheese specialities, bacon and smoked sausages, cold pork roast, lard, horseradish, and aromatic peasant bread. 

And then something sweet?  Doughnuts with cranberry jam, cranberry pancakes, scrambled pancakes, battered apple rings. These little treats are like having the taste of Tyrol melt on your tongue! 

Austrian classics in the nature park and glacier region

For starters, a hearty semolina dumpling soup. The main dish might be a traditional Wienerschnitzel or a fine boiled beef. And for a sweet ending, scrambled pancakes or a warm apple strudel with whipped cream. All these Austrian classics are an important part of the culinary culture in the Kaunertal. So what are you waiting for? We wish you Bon Appetit here in Tyrol and throughout Austria! 

Kaunertal culinary delights: pleasure in its purest form

Original, genuine, and unadulterated

Did you know that many Kaunertal farmers market their own products? Once you get a taste for them, you'll want to enjoy these original products at home, too. Make the most of a full range of products:

  • herbal salt from the Kauns herb garden
  • herbal teas from the Kauns herb garden
  • European dark bee honey
  • high-proof schnapps
  • hearty and spicy alpine cheese
  • "glacier chocolate" with a refined taste of stone pine

... and all without preservatives!

Tip: the Kaunertal cookbook is a cookbook with recipes from mothers and grandmothers so that they aren't forgotten. It shows how our ancestors made delicious dishes using simple ingredients. Available at the Kaunertal Tourist Information Office.

The traditional Almherbst as a special tip

A particularly beautiful time to experience and enjoy culinary delights is the traditional Almherbst in the Kaunertal. Take a walk along various delicacies while savouring spicy alpine cheese and fresh alpine butter from local farmers. Also try the typical Kaunertal sun herbs in liqueurs, juices, or in a soup. 

Alle kulinarischen Adressen im Tiroler Urlaubstal

Auch Sie möchten auf kulinarische Entdeckungsreise durch Österreich und Europa gehen? Wählen Sie aus gemütlichen Cafés, urigen Wirtshäusern, schicken Restaurants und rustikalen Pizzerien: 

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Intern. Bergführer-Meisterschaften 2025
24.-27.04.2025 | Kaunertaler Gletscher

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