Ice climbing in Tyrol's Kaunertal

The colder, the better!

Things go up in the Kaunertal year-round, even in winter!

Who else is looking forward to temperatures below freezing? Ice climbers, of course. This sport not only attracts experienced mountain climbers, but also an increasing number of courageous holidaymakers, too.

Climbing icy glacier walls and frozen waterfalls with ice axe and crampons: Are you ready for this sporting challenge surrounded by natural wonders?

The top 3 ice climbing routes in the Kaunertal

Fear of lust, the yellow river, and the twisted thread. Say what? These are the (translated) names of three of the best

ice climbing routes in the Tyrolean natural park and glacier region:

  • Angst vor Lust (Fear of Lust): free-hanging icicles, demanding, and above all mentally challenging, with an ice fall of 130 m, difficulty 3 to 6, and 15 minute ascent
  • Der gelbe fluss (The Yellow River): A rather short, but exhausting route with ice columns of up to 20 m high, an ice fall of 130 m, and difficulty level WI 5
  • Der Zwirn (Twisted Thread): challenging, ice fall of 160 m, difficulty level 6, 30 minute ascent, descent on bolts or Abalakov threads


Ready for your athletic challenge on the ice? If not, the Kaunertal pros will have you ice climbing in no time!

© TVB Tiroler Oberland-Kaunertal-Florian Schranz

Safe climbing with Kaunertal expertise

The Kaunertal mountain guides are there for holidaymakers not only in summer but also in winter! Find out about the extensive weekly programme of alpine courses and individual tours. Another first-rate contact point for ice climbing is the Top Alpin School run by Florian Schranz. This offers basic and speciality courses and training in modern ice and mixed climbing. Costs are around €300 per course.

Want to read up on ice climbing in detail? The Kaunertal Tourist Information Office has an ice climbing guide for the entire Tyrolean Oberland. It includes a practical guide to the routes and detailed descriptions of the individual ice falls.

© TVB Tiroler Oberland-Kaunertal-Martin Lugger

A quick look at the ice falls in the nature park and glacier region

Every climber is sure to find their favourite among the easy, intermediate, and demanding routes in the Kaunertal. No matter if you are just starting out with ice sports or have years of experience, venture into one of the more than 20 frozen waterfalls in the nature park and glacier region: 

© TVB Tiroler Oberland-Kaunertal

Bouldering hall Kaunertal/Quellalpin with Kilterboard

A state-of-the-art bouldering hall with a kilter board covers an area of more than 120m². The app-controlled Kilterboard connects to a global database filled with at least 40,000 bouldering problems.

The Kaunertal is not only a climber's paradise in winter

Climbing is not only a cold, icy pleasure, but for many sports enthusiasts, it is a true sporty pleasure even in summer! The "Climbers Paradise" platform is Tyrol's hotspot for all fans of mountain climbing. Not only the Kaunertal, but also the sister regions Tyrolean Oberland and Nauders are a part of this huge climbing community. Why wait? Visit THE holiday region of choice for all mountain climbers!  

© TVB Tiroler Oberland-Kaunertal
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