Discover a wide range of high-quality photos!

The very latest high-quality phtos on a wide variety of topics in our holiday region are available here for free download.
If you have any questions about the media or should you need further information, we will be happy to help you. Have fun exploring our media archive!

Press & partners will find a fruther area with registration to an extended selection of expressive images on various topics.

Erlebnisraum Kaunertal
Feichten 134 - 6524 Kaunertal
Annalena Walch
Press, Onlinemarketing

Acceptance of the terms and conditions for the use of the multimedia archive

The multimedia archive of the region Nauders - Tiroler Oberland - Kaunertal is used to provide photos and videos. The media extracted or downloaded from it can be used free of charge, subject to the usage restrictions (see regulations in point IV. Of the General Terms and Conditions). Users of the media archive expressly declare that they agree to the terms and conditions and accept them for the use of the media.

Copyright and photographer must be mentioned by name!



Further information on the terms and conditions  can be found here:

Summary of the correct use of files from the media archive of the Nauders - Tiroler Oberland - Kaunertal region in accordance with the general terms and conditions
