Kaunertal  sustainability

Our contribution to climate change adaptation in the Kaunertal

Specialties in the Tyrolean natural paradise

Kaunertal in new ways.

The Kaunertal has been part of the Kaunergrat Nature Park for 20 years. Here the people try to bring nature and ecology in tourism under one common denominator. The Kaunertal is one of the most charming Tyrolean alpine valleys. The originality of the natural and mountain world invite you to consciously experience the senses again or to rediscover them. 

Many special locations exude a very special magic. We have made it our challenge to find out or rediscover the special places of the Kaunertal with various projects. But also to shed new light on existing things and to breathe new life into them again.

Gelebte Nachhaltigkeit in der Naturpark- & Gletscherregion

Klimaschutz und Klimawandelanpassung geht uns alle an. Nachfolgend präsentieren wir Ihnen unsere konkreten Umsetzungsmaßnahmen zur Reduzierung des CO2 Ausstoßes sowie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel.

Aber: es gibt noch viel zu tun! 

Die Naturpark- & Gletscherregion Kaunertal gehört wir zu jenen Regionen, welche bereits Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des CO2 Ausstoßes sowie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel umgesetzt haben, sich sehr viele Gedanken machen, was verbessert werden kann und vor allem erkannt haben, dass es bei Klimaschutz und nachhaltigem Tourismus um viele kleine (machbare!) Schritte gemeinsame kleinere und größere Projekte mit möglichst vielen lokalen Akteuren geht. Dass dieser Weg im Kaunertal ein vielversprechender ist und auch weltweit positiv gewertet wird, ist durch die erst kürzlich erhaltene Auszeichnung zum BEST TOURISM VILLAGE Kaunertal in Bezug auf unsere nachhaltige Ausrichtung  durch die Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) bestätigt worden. Weltweit hatten sich dazu 170 Destinationen beworben (aus 75 Ländern) und lediglich 44 wurden dazu ausgezeichnet, das Kaunertal ist einer davon.

Nachhaltige Mobilität 

Best Tourism Village
  • Auszeichnung als erste Österreichische Tourismusdestination mit UNWTO Nachhaltigkeitssiegel
Jetzt mehr erfahren
Unser Beitrag zum Klimawandel
Neues entdecken....
Top Event
Spring Classics 2023
17th April to14th May 2023 | Kaunertaler glacier

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Top Event
Kaunertal, Austria

From April 25 to 28, 2025, the 50th International Mountain Guides' Ski Championships will take place in the Kaunertal.

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Top Event
- 09:00
Handbike Battle

The Handbike Battle will take place for several times on the Glacier panorama road. The participants of the Handbike Battle will start on 22 June 2023 at the toll station at an altitude of 1,287 m and overcome the 20 km to the Ochsenalm valley station at an altitude of 2,150 m. A true achievement, that we “take our hat off to”! Many spectators and cheerers are of course welcome.

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22.12.2024 - 13.04.2025
Freeride trial day
Every Sunday
24.12.2024 - 15.04.2025
High alpine snowshoe hike with a mountain guide
Every Tuesday
07.01.2025 - 18.03.2025
Cross country skiing trial course
Every Tuesday
Top Event
- 20:15
Frozen Lights
The ice skating show in Nauders am Reschenpass!

Monday, 27.01.2025

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Top Event
SportingWOMEN’s Winter Camp
Wide pistes, untouched powder slopes and you right in the middle of it all

The SportingWOMEN's Winter Camp in Nauders is aimed at women who have not yet dared to venture into the deep snow, but really want to.

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Top Event
Skisisters Trips

Skisisters: a community of women who share a passion for skiing.

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Top Event
Slope Food Festival

In collaboration with a talented team of restaurateurs from the village and the ski resort gastronomy, local products and specialities will be offered at the festival area in front of the Bergkastel panorama restaurant. Sunday, 16.03.2025 & Wednesday, 19.03.2025

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Top Event
Golden Mountain Beats
Cool DJ's, perfekt slopes & sun skiing

IT’S SHOWTIME! From 23.03. - 30.03. at the premiere from the Golden Mountain Beats at the ski area Nauders, cool DJ-sounds, sun skiing at perfect slopes and culinary delights are waiting for you! 

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Every Saturday
21.12.2024 - 05.04.2025
Ski tour - evening
to the Jochelius mountain resort
Every wednesday
25.12.2024 - 16.04.2025
Mutzkopf natural experience
Top Event
Moonlight picnic - under the stars
Your Winter.moments

In the middle of the icy and pitch-black winter night, you can experience special celestial events such as shooting star nights, meteor showers, new moons... up close. Moonlight picnic under the starry sky in the Pfundser Tschey The untouched high valley is far away from brightly lit towns and light sources. As a result, it offers perfect conditions for experiencing the clear starry sky in all its glory and discovering thousands of twinkling constellations under expert guidance. After a leisurely half-hour hike, participants can enjoy hot punch or mulled wine and a small snack to bring the evening to an atmospheric close. The combination of breathtaking nature, shining stars and a...

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Top Event
Wintr Pop-Up.

December 27 | January 10 February 14 | March 07 Friday, from 04:00 pm  in the garden of the information office  Cozy atmosphere with live music REgional dinks and snacks

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Top Event
- 10:00
Medieval festival

The time-honored walls of Altfinstermünz invite you to the medieval festival!  Exciting knight duels, spectacular fire shows and the medieval music of the group Heydenrausch bring the past times to life.     

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